Here's an interesting house. I'm not sure it fully qualifies to be in my "Dream Home Series", but it some some unique elements. Don't know what to make of it, but here it is.
Glad you asked. I found this place near where we were camping last July in Cumberland Bay State Park, near Plattsburgh, NY
Before I forget, there's a Word Art site I added to my "Other Places of Note" list, that features the work of Elizabeth Nanninga -- I like her word art.
I've always meant to start a photo series of old, abandoned, falling apart buildings. My brother alerted me to this site that does almost what I had in mind, just better. I'll put the link in my "Other Places of Note" list.
Feb 7, 2009. Before we move on, just a note to tell you that this is a Paint Shop version of a photo I took of our cat, Jehu. He had this 'look' and I wanted to explore that a bit, and bring out his icy stare. -- Ed