Frouwkje Visser (Wolters)
November 30, 1925 - January 1, 2012
A person in Christ, In anticipation of the Resurrection
(Psalm 73:28)
(Psalm 73:28)

Frouwkje Visser,
November 30, 1925 - January 1, 2012
On the Lord's Day, the first day of a new year, the Lord Jesus took mom into his care. Amazingly, unplanned by us, but through the Lord's precise planning and care, my dad, brother and family, Jean and I were drawn to be together with mom in her room at the Meadows. An hour after we all arrived, it became clear that the end was near. We stood around her in prayer, and by the time we said 'amen', she was gone. The end was a generous act of mercy for she had suffered much in the last while.

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